Offering Covid-Friendly Massage in Edmonton

Times are seriously strange this past year and its looking like it may be tough for another while yet. Chair massage is an effective treatment that can help you manage stress and live to your potential. My sincere hope is to mitigate the risks of any illness including covid and yet still provide an effective custom treatment for each client . My focus will be on the main areas we that we hold tension – the shoulders, neck, back and arms, as well as possibly scalp. Jaw work is even possible. I can help with headaches, repetitive stress injury, carpal tunnel, and basically overall muscle tension.

Massage Room

The massage chair and face cradle is adjustable to different angles and also for different people, short or tall, big or small, ages 10 and up. For the face cradle, I use a comfortable cotton base cover with a disposable cotton cover on top of that, for maximum comfort and safety. People have told me it is very comfortable and easy to relax into. There is also a great spot for your arms to rest on.

Hot Jade Stones getting toasty warm

Since I am a registered massage therapist I can provide receipts electronically so that you can submit if you have benefits. Prescriptions are not required as of Jan 2021, although you may still require one for your insurance company. I can also third party bill your insurance company if it one of the major companies of the province.

I have been practicing and taking courses in chair massage and I have found a way to incorporate Jade hot stones into a part the treatment along with regular massage. These stones are dry-heated electrically and are seriously relaxing, warm and comforting. The stones help you connect with your body while improving circulation. Wearing a regular t-shirt is a good idea, and I have some towels that I can use if you find the stones too hot. I use clean rubber gloves while I handle the stones and everything is washed and disinfected before you arrive.